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Friday, April 25, 2014

My Student Information

Hello, I am a degree student of UUM. Details below is about my student information:

Name: Wang Ying Xi
Matric No: 213410
Student Residential Hall: SME Bank (16E121)
Programme: UP 10 Bachelor of International Business Management with Honours
I/c Passport No: 910504016958                           Date of Birth: 04/05/1991
Sex: FEMALE                                                            Place of Birth: Johor 
Religion: Buddha                                                      Race: Chinese
Nationality: Malaysia
Permanent Address: No.1 JALAN MERBUK, TAMAN MAKMUR, 86200 
                                       SIMPANG RENGGAM, KLUANG, JOHOR. 

Phone No: 07-7558485                                        Handphone No: 017-7989212
I am the first child of my parents three children. My father is worked as a rubber tapping worker. However, my mother has been taking care of house hold. I am a friendly person, good thinker, and independent. My hobbies are sleeping, eating, swimming, and watching drama. I have set many goals that I would like to achieve in my life, to name a few are finishing college, becoming successful Business Admin Assistant, traveling around the world, and becoming a better person. My life style is very simple. So, that's all about myself.

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